Jesus promises his followers life to the full. What does that look like in 21st century Harrow? Circles are a tool to help you grow in faith and live this out everyday.
A Circle is a group of 3 or 4 people who meet either physically or online for 12 sessions. You can arrange to meet either weekly or fortnightly, on a day and time that suits you. A Circle session offers a simple and accessible format to help you read and reflect on God's word, and to discuss and pray with others. Circles are at the centre of our vision to make disciples and plant churches across Harrow.
Circle Resources
The Circle Tool
Circles are a spiritual process designed by One Church Harrow to help us all grow together in the likeness of Jesus. This simple tool guides you through the Circle process. We recommend that every member of the Circle can see a copy of this when you meet, so that you know where you are going together.
Click here to download digital version for mobiles & tablets
Click here to download printable A4 version
A 'Playlist' is a set of 6 linked Bible readings to use in your circle.
Each Circle will work through 2 playlists over the course of their 12 sessions together. A growing selection of Playlists are available, each with a different emphasis or theme and suitable for those at different stages of the Christian journey.
Click here to view the playlists
Circle Leader's Guide
This is our guide for all those leading a Circle. It includes information on how to set up a Circle and lead each Circle Session.
Click here to download our updated Circle Leaders Guide for COVID-19
We hold regular training for circle leaders and members to encourage and equip you as you meet in circles. Please check our calendar for upcoming dates.
Not in a Circle? Interested in joining?
If you'd like to be linked up with others, please get in touch:
Christ Church: Register Interest Here
St Peter's: Register Interest Here
St Paul's: Email Here